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Kaomoji statements such as WOW, WTF, Awkward!, Facepalm and Middle Finger have their own page here. These are strong statements of awe, disgust, anger or revolt (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`).
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Kaomoji Statements
Table of Contents
When something is so surprising, awe inspiring, shocking, awful or amazing!
- (ᵒ̤̑ ₀̑ ᵒ̤̑)wow!*✰
- !(ᵒ̤̑ ◁ ᵒ̤̑)wow!৹ᢄᵍᵎᵎ
- (⑅ ॣ•͈૦•͈ ॣ)꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ
- ˶⍤⃝˶꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ
- ꒰⑅ ॣ•͈૦•͈ ॣ꒱໊꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ
- (◎0◎)꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ
- (இ௦இ)꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ
- ╰║ ❛ ◯ ❛ ║╯꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ
- ʸᵉᵃʰᵎᵎ े ̡̡⍤⃝ ̢̢ेे ꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎ
- (๑o̴̶̷̥᷅﹏o̴̶̷̥᷅๑)꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ
- ༼⁰o⁰;༽꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ
What the actual #### or – GROSS!
- (≼⓪≽◟⋌⋚⋛⋋◞≼⓪≽)
- (◞≼۩۞۩≽◟◞౪◟◞≼۩۞۩≽◟)
- (◞≼☉≽◟◞౪◟◞≼☉≽◟)
- (◞≼●≽◟◞౪◟◞≼●≽◟)
- (◞≼◎≽◟◞౪◟◞≼◎≽◟)
- (◞≼థ≽◟◞౪◟◞≼థ≽◟)
- (☝΄◞ิ◟ิ‵)☝
- ཀ༼ༀ༽ཫ་῍̩̖̬ ̎ ̎✧
- (₍ˀ˟͈͈͈᷄ළ˟͈͈͈᷅ˁ₎)
- ↻( ꑡ᷉ˋ͈ˊ͈)ꑡ᷉༄
- (•චළච•)
- ⑉౦ළ౦⑉
- Ⴤ༼༎ত:౧:ত༎༽Ⴤ
- ━꒰ ⁎꒦ິཽ ꒦ິཽॢ꒱━
- ་ཀ༼ༀ༽ཫ་῍̩̖̬ ̎ ̎✧
- _̴ı̴̴̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡
- ʅ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡(ƟӨ)ʃ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡
- .̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨.̸̸̨̨ↂ⃝⃓⃙⃚⃘ↂ⃝⃓⃙⃚⃘.̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨.̸̸̨̨
- *:・✧⃛(ཽ๑ඕัළඕั๑)✧⃛*:・
- ʅ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡(ƟӨ)ʃ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡
- _̴ı̴̴̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡
- ꐑ(ཀ ඊູ ఠీੂ)༼ू༈೧ູ࿃ूੂ༽(ଳծູɵੂ≢)ꐑ
- ſ░▓░▃░▓░ƪ. ◖ƪ❍⊁◞..◟⊀❍|◗
- ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
- ;´༎ຶਊ ༎ຶ`;
- ( ༎ຶŎ༎ຶ )
- (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
- (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
- (;´༎ຶ益༎ຶ`)♡
- ヾ(;;;;;;;;;;;;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ)ノ
- ☜(:༎ຶ;益;༎ຶ;)☞
- ༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽
- (༎ຶꈊ༎ຶ╬)
- (´༎ຶ༎ຶ)
- ⁽⁽(ཀ д ཀ)⁾⁾
- (( ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ ))
- v(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)v
- (•ؔ༎ຶළॆؔ༎ຶ)
- (;´༎ຶ༎ຶ`)
- (༎ຶ ༎ຶ 三 ༎ຶ ༎ຶ)
- (´༎ຶ༎ຶ)
- ༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽
- (๑ؔ༎̐৫῎ؔ༎̐)⁝
- •ू(༎ຶ༎ຶ`•ू) )੭ु⁾⁾
- ૮(༎໊ඏ༎໊)ა
- (༎ຶ ༎ຶ 三 ༎ຶ ༎ຶ)
- 㠭(:༑༎ຶ䍏༎ຶ༑:)㠭
- (ཫ͝﹏ੂཀ͝)
- o͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡╮༼;´༎ຶ.̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨.̸̸̨̨ ༎ຶ༽╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡
- o͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡╮(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡
- ༼ つ ✿◕‿◕✿༽つ (‿ˠ‿)
- (Ɔ˘⌣˘)(˘⌣˘)˘⌣˘ C) ᑦ∪
When you want a hole to open up and swallow you up. Awkward moments are the worst.
- (°々°)
- ( ་ ⍸ ་ )
- ( ☉д⊙)
- (´◑ω◐`)
- ( ´゚,_」゚)
- (*´﹃`*)
- _(┐「ε:)_
- _(:3 」∠)_
- _(┐「ε:)_❤_(:3 」∠)_
- ( /¯ °3° )/¯Hey sexaaayy~
- ヘ(。□°)ヘ Whut
- ((((((/´⊙З⊙)/KI-KI-KISS ATTACK!!❤❤❤
- pssSST( ゚∀(・-・) ᴵ ʷᵃᵗᶜʰᵉᵈ ʸᵒᵘ ˢˡᵉᵉᵖᶦⁿᵍ ˡᵃˢᵗ ⁿᶦᵍʰᵗ..~
- (*☉౪ ⊙。)ノ
- _(´ω`_)⌒)_ ))ズリズリ*Crawl*~
Smack! Did they really just say/do that! Ow. Urgh.
- (⏤͟͟͞͞( ・᷄ㅂლ )⏤͟͟͞͞ ᖴᗩᑕEᑭᗩᒪᗰ⏤͟͟͞͞★
- (/ヘ ̄、)
- (ノ◇≦。)
- (◞‸ლ)
- (-‸ლ)
- (;¬_ლ)
- ( ・᷄ㅂლ )
- (눈_ლ)
- ( ¬_ლ)
- (¬ε ლ)
- (,Ծ_ლ)
- (〠_ლ)
- “(>ლ)”
- (ノД`)
Middle Finger
Up yours. Stick it where the sun don’t shine. Right up there!
- 凸ಠ益ಠ)凸
- t(=n=)
- 凸(¬‿¬)
- 凸(>皿<)凸
- 凸(`0´)凸
- 凸(`△´+)
- 凸(⊙▂⊙ )
- 凸(-0-メ)
- ༼凸 ◉_◔༽凸
- 凸(`⌒´メ)凸
- 凸༼ຈل͜ຈ༽凸
- t(- n -)t
- 凸(`ι _´メ)
- 凸(^▼ェ▼メ^)
- ༼✿◕ᗜ◕༽┌∩┐
- ୧༼ಠ益ಠ╭∩╮༽
- ╭∩╮(⋋‿⋌)ᕗ
- ୧༼◔益◔╭∩╮༽
- ( ︶︿︶)_╭∩╮
- t( -_- t )
- ┌П┐(►˛◄’!)
- ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐
- ╭∩╮(ಠಠ)╭∩╮
- ╭∩╮༼☯☯༽╭∩╮
- ╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮
- ╭∩╮◕ل͜◕)╭∩╮
- 凸〳 ಥ ڡ ಥ 〵凸
- ╭∩╮ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ╭∩╮
- 凸( •̀_•́ )凸
- ╭∩╮(-_-)╭∩╮
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Have you got some additions to our collection at Kaomoji Kuma?
Please leave us a message in our guestbook or submit your own Kaomoji!
✧・゚: ✧・゚: Quick Kaomoji :・゚✧*:・゚✧
- (*・ω・)ノ
- (´• ω •`)ノ
- (ˊᗜˋ)/ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ*
- Good( ・ω・)ノmorning~
- (°▽°)/
- (。 ・ v ・ 。)ノ コンチワ♪
- (≧▽≦)/
- Night(。´-ω-`。).zZ
- (^ワ^)
- (⁀ᗢ⁀)
- (^‿^)
- (๑꧆◡꧆๑)
- (´。• ω •。`)
- ( ✪ワ✪)ノʸᵉᵃʰᵎ
- (^▽^)/ ʸᵉᔆᵎ
- ٩(•͈ ꇴ •͈)و ̑̑❀
- ( ̄ε ̄@)
- ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
- =^._.^=
- V●ᴥ●V
- ₍ᐢ。ܫ。ᐢ₎
- ⎛⎝(•̀ ‿•)⎠⎞
- ( ̄Θ ̄)
- (°)#))<<
- ₍°= ̮ =°₎
- ٩ʕ◕౪◕ʔو
- ⍝◜ᐢ•⚇•ᐢ◝⍝
- Ꮚ・ꈊ・Ꮚ
- /╲/\╭(ఠఠ益ఠఠ)╮/\╱\
Look at the menu to the left (top right on mobiles) for the full list of our Kaomoji categories.