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On this page we have Kaomoji birds, bats, fish, mice, pigs, sheep and spiders! These cute animals emoticons are perfect to use in your facebook posts or tweets.
⍝◜ᐢ•⚇•ᐢ◝⍝ You can quite easily make any of these kaomoji animals more cute by adding paws or feet such as ⍝.
Did you notice the little tab at the bottom-right of the screen, it says “Notepad”. If you click on it, you will be able to use our handy notepad to paste text into, making it easy to make your own custom Kaomoji. This notepad will remember your text until you clear your browser cookies.
Want to contribute? Why not visit our Guestbook or Submit Your Kaomoji!
Copy to your clipboard by clicking the “Copy” buttons.
Don’t forget to bookmark this page at Kaomoji Kuma by holding down CTRL (command on mac) and tapping D!
Table of Contents
Bats Kaomoji
Kaomoji bats for Halloween or whenever you want to suck some blood. OOOoooOOoooOOoooo!
- ⎛⎝(•̀ ‿•)⎠⎞
- ⎛⎝(•ⱅ•)⎠⎞
- ⎛⎝(ʘ ⱅ ʘ)⎠⎞
- ⎛⎝(⌒ⱅ⌒ )⎠⎞
- ⎛⎝(᠐ ᢍ ᠐)⎠⎞
- ⎛⎝( ` ᢍ ´ )⎠⎞ᵐᵘʰᵃʰᵃ
- (㇏(•̀ ᢍ •́ )ノ)
- (㇏(♡ ᢍ ♡)ノ)𝔟𝔩𝔬𝔬𝔡…
- (㇏(⋆ ゚ ຶ ゚⋆)ノ)
- /\ ^𝅒_𝅒^ /\
- /\ ^.ˍ.^ /\
- /\ ^.╴ˍ.^ /\
- ◢▅◣Ξ◥▅◤Ξ◢▅◣Ξ◥▅◤
- ☆ ҉ ◢▅◣Ξ◥▅◤Ξ◢▅◣Ξ◥▅◤ ҉ ★
Birds Kaomoji
Hen-lo! Use these bird emoticons when you feel extra peckish. Sorry that was bad. These bird Kaomoji can be owls, parrots and any kind of birb.
- ( ̄Θ ̄)
- (`・Θ・´)
- ( ˋ Θ ´ )
- (◉Θ◉)
- \( ˋ Θ ´ )/
- (・θ・)
- (・Θ・)
- (・Θ・)
- ヾ( ̄◇ ̄)ノ〃
- ⊹⋛⋋( ՞ਊ ՞)⋌⋚⊹
- ⋋(◍’Θ’◍)⋌
- <(´ ՞)ਊ( ՞ )>
- ♡(㋭ ਊ ㋲)♡
Fish Kaomoji
Kaomoji fish, shrimp and even crabs. When you’re feeling nautical or just hungry, use these seafood animals or sea creature emoticons.
- (°)#))<<
- <・ )))><<
- ζ°)))彡
- >°))))彡
- (°))<<
- >^)))<~~
- ≧( ° ° )≦
- くコ:彡 – shrimp
- ❥᷁)͜͡˒ ⋊
- ><((((゚< >゚)))><
- ミ..ミ
- (/)(;,,;)(/)
- >=<
- ≧〔゜゜〕≦
- V=(° °)=V
- ミ(・・)ミ
- ミ[°°]ミ
- (V)oo;;(V)
- (*ꄱͦਵꄱͦ*)
- (V)(@,,,,@)(V)
- (V) (O ww O) (V)
- (V) (;,,,;) (V)
Frog Kaomoji
Ribbit ribbit! CROAK! hop. Frogs for you and your friends.
- ⍝__⍝
- :(¦)
- ᕱ__ᕱ
- ₍ᐢ=– ̮ –=ᐢ₎
- ₍°= ̮ =°₎
- ₍◜ᐢ= ̮ =ᐢ◝₎
- ╭₍◜ᐢ= ̮ =ᐢ◝₎╮
- ╭₍◜ᐢ=..=ᐢ◝₎╮
Mouse Kaomoji
Cute little mice! These Kaomoji can also be hamsters, rats and other rodents.
- ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
- ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐶ
- ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᑀ
- ᘛ⁐̤ᕐ⩺
- <:3)~
- ၄ စ ౪ စ ၃
- ٩ʕ◕౪◕ʔو
- ʢ்ꇵ்͒ʡ
- ʢ• ͡•ʢ• ͡•ʢ• ͡•ʡ
- ʢٛ•ꇵٛ•ʡ✲゚。ʚɞ⋆ྉ
- 🐭
- 🐁
- 🧀
- 🪤
Pig Kaomoji
Use these little piggy Kaomoji when you are well, being a piggy. OINK!
- (´・(oo)・`)
- (V´・(oo)・`V)
- (▽´・(oo)・`▽)
- (´Φ(oo)Φ`)
- (V´。(oo)。`V)
- (▽•̀(oo)•́ ▽)
- (▼✪(oo)✪▼)
- (▽❍(oo)❍▽)
- (▽-(00)-▽)♡
- (・ั(00)・ั)
- (´・(00)・`)
- (´・(oo)・`)
- (´♡(oo)♡`)
- (´;(oo);`)
- (V −(●●)−V)
- σ( ̄(●●) ̄)
- (>(●●)<)
- (○ ̄(●●) ̄○)
- (○>(●●)<○)
- (☆(●●)☆)
- (`(●●)´)
- σ( ̄(●●) ̄)
- <(`(●●)´)>
- <(○`(●●)´○)>
- ( ^ (●●)-)=☆
- (>(●●)<)
- Σ( ̄(●●) ̄)
- (T(●●)T)/~~~
- (○`(●●)´○)
- (`(●●)´)
- m(-(●●)-)m
- (V −(●●)−V)
- ₍˄•͈⚇•͈˄₎
- (▼ ̄⚇ ̄▼)
- (V`⚇´V)
- ⍝◜ᐢ•⚇•ᐢ◝⍝
- ₍ᐢ.⚇.ᐢ₎
- ₍ᐢ.”⚇.”ᐢ₎
- ₍ᐢ・⚇・ᐢ₎
- ₍•̀ ⚇•́ ₎
- ₍◎⚇◎₎
- ₍ᐢ`🐽´ᐢ₎
Sheep Kaomoji
Baa! Here are some sheep or ram Kaomoji using the Ꮚ character as ears.
- Ꮚ・ꈊ・Ꮚ
- Ꮚ・ꈊ・Ꮚ
- Ꮚ౪ꈊ౪Ꮚ
- Ꮚ´ꈊ`Ꮚ
- ᏊˊꈊˋᏊ
- ᏊᵕꈊᵕᏊ
- ᏊᵒꈊᵒᏊ
- ᏊºꈊºᏊ
- Ꮚ≗ꈊ≗Ꮚ
- Ꮚ˃ꈊºัᏊ
- ᏊºัꈊºัᏊ
- ᏊꏿꈊꏿᏊ
- ᏊⓛꈊⓛᏊ
- ᏊΦ ꈊ ΦᏊ
- ᏊʻัꈊʻัᏊ
- Ꮚ・ꈊ・✿Ꮚ
- ᏊꆤꈊꆤᏊ
- Ꮚ♡ꈊ♡Ꮚ
- Ꮚ♥ꈊ♥Ꮚ
- Ꮚ☆ꈊ☆Ꮚ
- Ꮚ✪ꈊ✪Ꮚ
- Ꮚ。ꈊ。Ꮚ
- Ꮗ・Ꮂ・Ꮚ
- ᏇˊᎲˋ✿Ꮚ
- Ꮚ・Ꮑ・Ꮚ
- Ꮚ・ω・Ꮚ
- ᏊㅇꈊㅇᏊ
- ξ๑ˊ ꈊˋ๑Ҙ
- Ꮚꆤل͜ꆤᏊ
- Ꮚºัل͜ºัᏊ
- Ꮚᵕل͜ᵕᏊ
- Ꮚ=ꈊ=Ꮚ
- ꒰(͏ˊ•ꈊ•ˋ)꒱
- ꒰(͏ˊ・Ꮂ・ˋ)꒱
- ꒰(͏ʻัꈊʻั)꒱
Spider Kaomoji
Spooders for all your creepy spooder needs.
- /╲/\╭(ఠఠ益ఠఠ)╮/\╱\
- /╲/\╭(ರರ⌓ರರ)╮/\╱\
- /╲/\╭༼ ººل͟ºº ༽╮/\╱\
- /╲/\╭( ͡°͡° ͜ʖ ͡°͡°)╮/\╱\
- /╲/\╭[ ᴼᴼ ౪ ᴼᴼ]╮/\╱\
- /╲/\( •̀ ω •́ )/\╱\
- /╲/\╭[☉﹏☉]╮/\╱\
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Submit Your Kaomoji!
Have you got some additions to our collection at Kaomoji Kuma?
Please leave us a message in our guestbook or submit your own Kaomoji!
✧・゚: ✧・゚: Quick Kaomoji :・゚✧*:・゚✧
- (*・ω・)ノ
- (´• ω •`)ノ
- (ˊᗜˋ)/ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ*
- Good( ・ω・)ノmorning~
- (°▽°)/
- (。 ・ v ・ 。)ノ コンチワ♪
- (≧▽≦)/
- Night(。´-ω-`。).zZ
- (^ワ^)
- (⁀ᗢ⁀)
- (^‿^)
- (๑꧆◡꧆๑)
- (´。• ω •。`)
- ( ✪ワ✪)ノʸᵉᵃʰᵎ
- (^▽^)/ ʸᵉᔆᵎ
- ٩(•͈ ꇴ •͈)و ̑̑❀
- ( ̄ε ̄@)
- ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
- =^._.^=
- V●ᴥ●V
- ₍ᐢ。ܫ。ᐢ₎
- ⎛⎝(•̀ ‿•)⎠⎞
- ( ̄Θ ̄)
- (°)#))<<
- ₍°= ̮ =°₎
- ٩ʕ◕౪◕ʔو
- ⍝◜ᐢ•⚇•ᐢ◝⍝
- Ꮚ・ꈊ・Ꮚ
- /╲/\╭(ఠఠ益ఠఠ)╮/\╱\
Look at the menu to the left (top right on mobiles) for the full list of our Kaomoji categories.